Orders and Dispatch Date
Orders are accepted with full advance payment. No
stock available. All Nexus products are hand made to
customer’s order only. Manufacturing time depends on
the current waiting list. Estimated dispatch date
provided on request, this date may change if no
payment or proof of payment is received within 2
working days of proforma invoice. A scheduled dispatch
date provided following payment. Handmade products
and outsourced parts may cause slight varience in
scheduled dispatch date.
Accessories / Batteries / User Manual
No accessories or batteries included. (except
Pathfinder). Download the user manual on the product
The price quote on the proforma invoice is valid for 5
working days. Request a new price quote if payment or
proof of payment not made within 5 working
Free to all countries. For remote areas, please contact
us to confirm.
Refunds, and Cancellation
All Nexus products are hand made to order, with items
only produced on demand. All products are field tested
prior to shipping and unlikely to require a return.
Refunds are not available once the order is in progress
and ‘change of mind’ not applicable to products
manufactured on demand.
Please review our money back guarantee and Warranty
policy on the Warranty page.
2 Year comrehensive cover from date of receipt.
Appearance, Weight, Performance
Handmade products, slight descrepancies possible
(+/- 10%).
Payment Options
Bank transfer.
Xoom - PayPal transfer service - www.xoom.com
Money Gram
Western Union
Credit Notes
All credit notes expires 6 months from date of issue.
Within this period the credit note holder can choose to
make a purchase or receive a refund. If a refund is
chosen, it has to be requested and the fees for
completing a transfer is covered by the credit note
holder. Once 6 months have passed, we will no longer
issue a refund and the credit will be expired.
Nexus products are hand made in Europe and not
manufactured on a conveyer line or outsourced abroad.
There is no margin for cutting costs to provide discount
and we do not offer discount under any circumstances.
Repairs and maintenance
It is required to request a support ID before shipping a
product to our factory.
We service second hand and out of Warranty products,
for a limited time, under the condition that they have not
been self-modified or had unauthorized
The following fraud will not be tolerated:
Ordering a product for:
The sole purpose just to scan a site, or retrieve a
lost item and returning the product with a false claim.
The sole purpose to create YouTube videos / social
media content for profit and returning the product
with a false claim.
We are here to help.
If you have any questions or require assistance please
contact us. We strive to provide both high quality
products and excellent customer service..