Incorrect And Misleading Detector Tests
Recovering Targets And Empty Hole Signals.
When attempting to recover targets, you need to dig a hole large enough so that the search coil in use can get inside that hole and then see what the detector indicates.
Swinging on top of holes may produce signals on some soil conditions and on others will not.
Holes can be recognized as such if the search coil is passed close to and over the hole slowly. While doing so observe the reaction of the detector.
An empty hole will give a reaction exactly when the search coil (the coil overlapping area) goes over the center of the hole. Empty holes will not produce signals if the search coil overlapping area is out of the hole perimeter, but if there is a metal target in the hole the search coil will pick it up before the overlapping area of the coil is on top of the hole.
The VCO is not for checking holes, but only targets that do not produce clear LED meter signal response.
Swing Speed
Also the swing speed in this video is comparable to a racing with another car. The recommended swing speed while using all deep seeking detectors including Nexus has to be much slower than this. Extreme depth is not achievable at high swing speeds, yet.